5 Things That Seasoned Travelers Are Doing (That You’re Not)

5 Things That Seasoned Travelers Are Doing (That You’re Not)

Traveling. Some of us travel a lot, and some of us travel a little. For some of us, traveling is a job. Nearly 63 million people are employed, worldwide, in air travel and related industries.1 There’s bound to be travel wisdom among their ranks. Let’s find out.

Think About Fast-Dry Clothing

Think about grabbing fast-dry clothing from stores like REI and Travelsmith. It’s not high fashion, but it is lightweight and, most importantly, washable in a hotel room sink. As an added bonus, it doesn’t take up much room in your luggage. Even if you just can’t stand the style of fast-dry apparel, the concept is good to remember: lightweight, easy to wash fabrics that don’t take up much room.

Sleeping in Coach is Easier than You Think

Wear comfortable clothes, use the blanket they hand out as lumbar support, and wear that u-shaped pillow backwards. It may look ridiculous, but the reasoning is actually genius: If you wear it backwards, your neck stays in place. No longer will you be woken up when your head suddenly jerks forward.2

Don’t Skip the Gym

Some experts suggest keeping to your daily routine, especially when traveling for business. If you go to the gym on a regular basis, try to book hotels with 24-hour gyms. Eating healthy is sometimes the biggest hurdle, since you’re likely eating out most of the time. Consider keeping healthy snacks on hand and even asking the hotel to empty the mini fridge, so you’re not tempted by a late-night splurge.

Always Pack a Bathing Suit

Many frequent travelers agree, no matter where you’re going, or where you’re from, or what time of year you’re traveling, always take your bathing suit. It takes up so little space, and you never know when you might want it. Other items you may want to have on hand: flip flops, USB outlet extender, and a pashmina.

Scared to Fly? Learn About Plane Crashes

If you’re anxious about flying, learning more about the safety of flying may help. More than 3.5 billion people fly safely every year. Air traffic safety has improved measurably over the last several decades. When you look at the data, air travel is one of the safest ways to get around.3


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